New Student Orientationhttp://www-newstudent.ucdavis.edu/Being a new student at a large university such as UC Davis can be challenging. Make the transition easier by getting acquainted with the campus online! A virtual guided tour of the campus and its community helps you hit the ground running. The Campus Orientation Map provides an extensive list of links which will help acquaint you with your new home. This includes student support organizations and services, orientation activities, financial support, academic advising, and health and safety resources.
Registrar's Officehttp://registrar.ucdavis.edu/The Registrar's Web site offers many resources and services, including a page just for students. Among the many offerings are:
Library Renewal Servicehttp://libnte.ucdavis.edu/PatronRenew.htmlAll university affiliates now have the option of renewing library books online. This page requests your library card number and your library PIN (personal information number, usually the last four digits of your student or employee ID number). When you supply this information correctly, you are taken to a page displaying a list of current books checked out and due dates. You can then renew overdue books from this page. IT Expresshttp://itexpress.ucdavis.edu/This Web site does more than simply provide the hours for walk-in and telephone services at IT Express. You'll find updates on various IT services, and links to information on site-licensed software, campus events, remote access to the campus network, Bovine Online (a software package designed to make connecting to the Internet and to the campus network much easier), computer classrooms, and more. Want to keep up with technology at UCD? Make sure this one is bookmarked!
Campus Computer Roomshttp://lm.ucdavis.edu/Need access to a computer and you need it now? Click on "Available Computer Rooms" and find a listing of computers available for drop-in use in each of the IT-managed computer classrooms on campus. Or ask a site attendant to consult this Web page for you to find a lab with available machines. The site also lists hours for each of the classrooms, and its "Computer Room Help" page has answers to frequently asked questions. |