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New Password Change Service

A new Web-based computer account password change service is now available at The advantages of the new password change service include:

Increased security: The information exchange between your browser and is encrypted (note the "s" after "http").

Increased flexibility: You may change your password on a subset of services that you select, if desired.

In order to change your password, you must either know your current Kerberos password or have a five-digit password token, issued by IT Express in Shields Library. If you do go to the IT Express office, bring your student registration card or your staff card as well as a photo ID such as a driver's license.

Your password changes are in effect the following day. For more information about Kerberos passwords, see "You Asked ".

A Note About Password Security

Your Kerberos password which is securely sent across the network. When you log in to services that do not use Kerberos, your password is sent across the network in clear text, and is therefore subject to being detected by a rogue packet sniffer. For optimal password security, it is recommended that you maintain a Kerberos password that is different from your other password(s).

For further information on IT account services, view For further information on password change methods, view

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