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IT Administrative Review Town HallMark your calendar! On November 18 and 19, the Division of Information Technology Administrative Unit Review Committee will conduct two Town Hall meetings to help address the Committee's charge to "...assess...the suite of services and support activities provided to the campus, and the extent to which these activities are meeting campus expectations." All members of the campus community are invited to participate in the Town Hall, which is scheduled as follows:
Time: 3:30-5 p.m. Location: 1022 Life Sciences Addition
Date: November 19, 1998
The discussion will focus on these four questions:
If you are unable to attend the Town Hall and wish to participate in the Administrative Review Committee's work, submit your comments and suggestions to:
For further information on the Committee, its charge, the review process, the schedule of consultations with IT clients, and avenues for feedback, please visit the Information Technology Five-Year Administrative Review Web site at http://it.ucdavis.edu/adminrev/.
The 1998-99 Faculty Services Guide is Online!The Information Technology Faculty Services Guide includes information and detailed instructions on services and resources related to using technology in teaching and research. The guide offers step-by-step instructions on a number of topics, including how to open a computing account, create electronic mailing lists, download class rosters from the Registrar's Web site, incorporate technology into the curriculum, and access the Library's electronic reserves. Structured by service, the guide provides descriptions and contact information for technology, media, and publishing support resources available on campus. The Web version, which will be updated quarterly, can be accessed at http://it.ucdavis.edu/fsg/. To obtain a hard copy, email or call (530) 752-5965.
Feedback Sought on Future of Remote AccessYou are invited to provide comments and suggestions on the role the campus should play in providing access to the Internet and the campus network. A number of resources are available at the Remote Access Web site at (http://access.ucdavis.edu/). The site includes the Remote Access Management Program (RAMP) report, which provides an overview of the history of remote access at UC Davis, summarizes current campus remote access needs, and offers recommendations. To submit comments and suggestions on the future of remote access at UC Davis, please send email to net-access@ucdavis.edu.
Faculty Modem Pool Upgraded to 56KbpsThe Faculty Modem Pool was converted from 33.6Kbps to 56Kbps in October. Cisco Systems, the vendor, delivered the hardware two months earlier than anticipated. The Student/Staff Modem Pool, which is equipped with different types of modems, requires a software upgrade to increase its speed to 56Kbps. This upgrade is expected in December 1998. For information on the campus modem pools, see the Remote Access Web site at http://access.ucdavis.edu/, or send email to net-access@ucdavis.edu.
CAIT Scheduled to Relocate in DecemberThe Center for Advanced Information Technology (CAIT), located at 165 Shields, will join IT Express and Copy Services in 182 Shields Library at the end of this quarter. Established in 1993 as a five-year partnership between the General Library and the Division of Information Technology, the CAIT offers a range of services, including software and hardware evaluations and technology briefings. Working directly with vendors, the CAIT maintains a large inventory of donated software for the campus to preview, test, and evaluate.The General Library plans to create a second library instruction area for students in the space currently occupied by the CAIT. The move will occur during the Fall Quarter break. The CAIT will re-open at its new location the first week of January. If you have questions about the move, contact the CAIT at (530) 752-5711 or advancedit@ucdavis.edu.
New Self-Paced Technology Training Web SiteIf you are just beginning to explore the Web, or if you are an experienced user and would like to sharpen your computing skills, you may want to explore a new Web site offering a one-stop resource with three types of self-paced technology training tutorials. The site, created by Information Resources' IT Training team, provides access to three types of tutorials: computer-based (cbt at ucd), video-based (available in Hart New Media Lab, 1101 Hart Hall), and text-based software tutorials (downloadable as PDF files from the Web site). These materials are particularly suited for individuals who like to control the learning pace and enjoy the flexibility and convenience of self-paced training. Courseware offerings include Internet tools, word processing, desktop publishing, and system administration programs for such products as Windows 95/98 and Windows NT, Lotus Notes, Java, and C/C++.