Data Center Prepares for Move
Scheduling Minimizes Service Interruptions
The Data Center's staff and computing systems will move from the basement of Hutchison to the former Repro Graphics building over several weekends in November and December. The Data Center houses 80 campus academic, administrative, and infrastructure systems, including email servers, the Banner Student Information System, and DaFIS. Over 25 staff members, including database administrators, systems administrators, and operations staff will move into the new Data Center during the same time period.
Service Interruptions Kept to a Minimum
The Data Center team is working very closely with client support groups and campus departments to ensure minimal disruption in service. The staff will work after hours and on weekends and holidays to minimize the impact of the move. However, most systems will be down for an average of 12 hours. (See the table for a listing of the major systems affected and a detailed downtime schedule.) These interruptions are needed to perform complete back-ups and to physically move and reconfigure each system. A detailed relocation schedule is available on the Data Center Web site at http://ir.ucdavis.edu/dc/move.html.
Month of November
Infrastructure and administrative systems will be moved on weekends in November. Most of the infrastructure systems including those providing access to newsgroups (Usenet News server), Internet Relay Chat (IRC server), and electronic mailing lists, including class lists (Listproc), will move on Saturday, November 14.
The second phase, scheduled around the November 26-27 holiday, will focus on administrative computing systems (e.g., DaFIS and Banner). These systems should be available for campus use on Monday morning, November 30.
Month of December
The majority of academic systems, including email servers, will be moved between December 20 and 28. You will receive an email notification in early December if you are using one of the POP email servers. (If you check your email with a program like Eudora, your campus computer account has been assigned to one of the POP servers.) The message, called a POP Message of the Day (or POP MOTD) will specify the times when your email server will be unavailable. To find out which email server your computer account is assigned to, go to http://ir.ucdavis.edu/info/email/.
More Information
For updates, background information, and resources related to this move, see the Data Center Web site at http://ir.ucdavis.edu/dc/. The site includes a detailed list of move dates and downtimes for all systems. You may send comments and questions to dc-move@ucdavis.edu. To view systems announcements, including Messages of the Day, go to http://ir.ucdavis.edu/info/.