Network 21 Update by Wendy PhillipsThe Network 21 project is in its third and final stage. Department cutovers began on July 8, and by October 20, 135 departments were successfully connected to the campus's new ATM fiber optic network. Additionally, 8,419 of the 10,369 campus Network Access Models (NAMs) in the Network 21 project have been cut over to the new system. The remaining 38 departments are expected to be connected by Thanksgiving, approximately one month ahead of schedule.
Project Goals and What to Expect After Cutover The differences users will experience in network access after cutover may be subtle, but these changes are important to the growth and vitality of the campus network. Ideally, all users will notice increased system performance at the desktop, as data is now served by a dedicated, port-to-port 10Mb switch. This method of data transfer is faster and more efficient than the legacy network infrastructure, which uses shared network hubs. Additionally, moving to a dedicated switch system prepares the way for future advances in system performance.
The Network 21 project provides improvements only up to the wall jack, however. In practical terms, some users may not experience augmented performance because their computers are limited by preexisting wall-to-desktop network connections, hardware, or software.
Converting from LANs to VLANs
Help Before and After Cutover After cutover, questions and problems should be directed to the Network 21 Helpdesk at (530) 754-NW21 or net21helpdesk@ucdavis.edu. Service is provided the same day whenever possible. For more details on the Network 21 project, please see http://net21.ucdavis.edu/. Wendy Phillips is Senior Writer with Information Technology's Communications Resources.