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Recent Campus Software Site License Acquisitions

by Leigh Ann Giles

New MacOS 8.5 Agreement
The University of California Office of the President (UCOP) has recently renewed the Apple System Software agreement, which includes the just-released Mac Operating System version 8.5. Apple has changed the agreement from a site license to a volume purchase agreement. This means that the agreement is based on specific CPU count. Departments, staff, and faculty will need to purchase licenses and CDs for home or office use through the UCD Bookstore Computer Shop or IT Computer and Printer Repair. Unfortunately, Apple has decided to exclude students from this agreement. The new agreement does not affect any previous MacOS versions: MacOS 8.0 and 8.1 are still available to the entire campus and can be downloaded from The Computer Shop is also selling a shrinkwrap version of MacOS 8.5 to all university affiliates (including students) for $65. We are still waiting for the "official" MacOS 8.5 CD. The CDs and licenses should be available by mid-November. Pricing for the new MacOS includes two years of upgrades (through August 2000).

License, CD, and upgrades: $29.99
License and upgrades: $24.99

You can also purchase the licenses only, at a lower price, if you have more than one computer.

StatView 5.0 is Available
StatView is a statistical/data analysis software package that incorporates an easy-to-use graphical interface. It is used in UC Davis statistics classes and can be found in campus computer labs. It is also available for download from the site licenses Web site at

For a complete listing of StatView 5.0's new features, look at

There is currently no charge for StatView 5.0, but the software will cease to function in December 1998. Please check the link listed above for instructions on how to obtain a new version of StatView in late December. The StatView product line has recently been purchased by SAS Institute, Inc.

Timbuktu Volume License Agreement
Recently UCOP and vendor Netopia ratified a volume license agreement for Timbuktu products. Timbuktu is remote control and file transfer software. Typically used by remote workers and computer help desk staff, Timbuktu facilitates collaboration on projects and shared documents, and coordination of schedules. For more product information, visit Netopia's Web site at

The new agreement will provide reduced pricing on new purchases and upgrades. Licenses, media, and documentation will be available to departments from Wareforce (800-777-9309 ext. 5502).

Wareforce pricing for Timbuktu:
Timbuktu License: $15.00
Version Upgrade: $7.50
Competitive Upgrade: $11.25
CD-ROM: $ 9.00
Getting Started Guide: $9.00

Wareforce's price lists are on the Web at:

Leigh Ann Giles, the site license coordinator, can be reached at (530) 752-5413 or The Site License Web site can be found at