This page contains links to every story in this issue. To read the full text, simply click on the name of the article.
New Technology at UC Davis
A Road Map to Technology at UC Davis
The potential to utilize technology toward improving the vitality and efficiency of a diverse campus raises important questions. With such a powerful engine at our disposal, how do we get where we all want to go? Here's a look at some of UC Davis' recent technology challenges and the proactive, collaborative way we face them.
Campus Learns Portal Lessons
On March 15, Princeton University portal expert Howard Strauss delivered a presentation and instigated a lively brainstorming session with a campus community that is rapidly becoming conversant with portal technology. With the intriguing title, "A Home Page Doth Not A Portal Make," Strauss led the audience through a series of questions: What's a portal? Why have one? What components make a portal vital? What technical and administrative issues come along with implementation? Read this article and get his crash course in portal technology.
Book Review: "Web Portals in Higher Education: Technologies to Make IT Personal
A portal isn't just a grand, imposing gateway to a parallel universe in science fiction. Nancy Harrington reviews a book that explains how Web portals are changing the way individuals approach technology on college campuses.
No Hanging Chads Here: ASUCD Uses Web, Campus Technology to Provide Secure Online Elections, Increase Voter Turnout
Forget voting booths. Recently UC Davis students were able to vote for student government candidates from anywhere with an Internet connection.
Computer Security
Encrypt Your Internet Transmissions: New Service for Campus Web Server Administrators
by Bob Ono, Campus IT Security Coordinator
Are you a Web server administrator who needs to transmit confidential or sensitive information over the Internet? Encrypt the traffic between your department's Web server and the end-user browser using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. Here's how to obtain the digital certificate to use SSL.
You Asked: Spam on the Rise
Q. Lately I have been receiving increasing amounts of junk email, some of which is very offensive. Is UC Davis doing anything about this problem? Is there any way to prevent these messages from reaching me?
Educational Technology
Students and Faculty Brave Technology Together: Education Technology Partners Program Underway
The Educational Technology Partners (ET Partners) program pairs specially trained students with faculty members for one-on-one technology training. Read our profile of ET partners Dr. Miyo Uchida and sophomore Lenora Cheung to learn how they developed a course Web site—and a friendship.
Want to Place Course Materials Online? Post it Legally
Now that MyUCDavis has made it so easy to build a course Web site, instructors have begun to store published articles or other course materials in electronic form for students to retrieve with minimal hassle. What are the instructor's legal responsibilities in doing so?
Application Deadline Approaching for the 9th annual Summer Institute on Technology in Teaching
May 28th, 2002 is the application deadline for this summer's Summer Institute on Technology in Teaching (SITT).
Bits and Bytes: Short News Items
Mondavi Center for the Arts Ticket Purchasing, Free Educational Technology Training for Instructors, UC Davis Recruitment for NBA Project Manager, and more...