Application Deadline Approaching for the 9th annual Summer Institute on Technology in Teaching

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May 28th, 2002 is the application deadline for this summer's Summer Institute on Technology in Teaching (SITT). Every summer the weeklong training institute offers teaching resources on pace with the changing technology landscape. Coordinated by the Teaching Resources Center (TRC) on campus, SITT promotes faculty expertise in the use of technology for instruction. In planning for each summer's Institute, SITT organizers ask participants about the kinds of teaching technologies they're interested in. In response to the diversity of technical skill levels among faculty, SITT offers a variety of presentations and hands-on learning opportunities.

In the short week, participants-regardless of their initial skill level-can attend sessions on everything from setting up course email lists and Web sites to using animated imagery in PowerPoint presentations, or accessing remote machinery for computer-based experimental research.

Participants attend presentations taught by fellow faculty and IET-Mediaworks or TRC staff. Before lunch, participants are treated to presentations by fellow faculty and Mediaworks' multimedia artists; the afternoons are spent in a variety of hands-on labs. This hands-on experience allows them to cook up their own teaching technologies in the form of software, such as Flash (creates and manipulates interactive animations for web sites), PhotoShop (acquires and manipulates imagery), iMovie (allows the use of digital video files in PowerPoint presentations), Dreamweaver (allows beginners to create and manage a Web site), and Director (creates presentations with sound and animation).

The compact one-week training is considerate of teachers' busy schedules, while exposing them to a number of technology resources. To apply online, visit the SITT Web site.


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