Finding Technology Solutions
How do we meet business and academic needs with new technology solutions? In this IT Times, read about specific issues the campus is confronting. We are rethinking the link between technology solutions and business or academic needs, not just because the New Business Architecture (NBA) calls for the leveraging of new technologies, but because we are always finding ways that technology can improve our learning and working environment. The campus Web portal, MyUCDavis, has been an enduring exercise in facing challenges head on. As you will read, our campus certainly has a foot in the door of portal technology. Of course, our faculty and students use educational technology in ways that are as challenging as they are exciting. We also recognize the personal computing challenges you face daily with our Q&A about spam. Check out this issue's Bits and Bytes for more news.

Road Map
The potential to utilize technology toward improving the vitality and efficiency of a diverse campus raises important questions. With such a powerful engine at our disposal, how do we get where we all want to go? Here's a look at some of UC Davis' recent technology challenges and the proactive, collaborative way we face them.

  photo of faculty member Dr. Miyo Uchida and student Lenora Cheung
The Educational Technology Partners (ET Partners) program pairs specially trained students with faculty members for one-on-one technology training. Read our profile of ET partners Dr. Miyo Uchida (photo, left) and sophomore Lenora Cheung to learn how they developed a course Web siteā€”and a friendship.

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