 Ten Years of Technology News
Believe it or not, technology existed before the Internet became mainstream about ten years ago. But IT Times, as you may know, was born right about the same era as the Internet. Celebrate ten years of IT Times by looking through our Web archives of stories dating back to 1994, or just read the current issue about all the new and evolving technologies currently sprouting on our campus, not the least of which are our own homegrown Web portal, or our recently-built performing arts center, a technical marvel in and of itself. UC Davis' presence on the Web continues to grow; we found lots of great new Web sites and even a comprehensive Web resource for writing instructors on campus. Whether UC Davis is using technology to help out the local community, train its instructors, or just keep campus business running smoothly, IT Times enjoys watching. Thanks for keeping your eye on us these past ten years, UC Davis.

By the time it was officially selected as the foundation for a UC Davis enterprise portal, MyUCDavis had already attracted more than 10,000 unique users. Now, a year later, MyUCDavis continues to see a steady increase of visitors: 40,000 different people have logged on as of early October, 2002.
 Photo by Debbie Aldridge
The Mondavi Center succeeds by utilizing the latest state-of-the art technology, from innovative acoustics, to a highly adaptable stage and a multi-featured Web site.
IT Times 10 Years Ago:
“Subtle humor tends to get lost in electronic communication; so take steps to make sure that people realize you are trying to be funny. People who use networks have developed a symbol called the smiley face to indicate humor. It looks like a sideways smiling face, ":-)", and points out sections of articles with humorous intent.”