Contents of This Issue

This page contains links to every story in this issue. To read the full text, simply click on the name of the article.

New Technology
What Makes the Mondavi Center so State-of-the-Art
The technological sophistication of UC Davis' new performing arts center is defined by its intricate acoustics, soundproofing and networking.

At Home on the Web: New Campus Web Sites
Campus Community Book Project Web Site, New Computing Accounts Site, The HARVEST Library Catalog.

Writing Instruction Made Easier by New Web Site
Created for any UC Davis instructor who assigns paper-writing, this new Web site provides a central, easy-to-access collection of Web resources on teaching writing, covering "the processes of beginning, writing, and revising essays; the definitions and uses of concepts and terms commonly addressed in writing classes; and the particular challenges of students who approach English as a second language," says Dr.Andy Jones, site creator.

Plagiarism Goes High-Tech
Student Judicial Affairs reminds students and instructors how to prevent plagiarism and reports on a new technology tool for helping catch Internet-plagiarizing students.

Evolving Technology
MyUCDavis Enters Second Year
The homegrown campus portal continues to evolve; a look at the latest developments and usage statistics.

Summer Institute on Technology in Teaching
This unique forum for technology-hungry teachers met again successfully, it's participants increasing in numbers. "A real community was built in these four and a half days," said Victoria Cross, an organizer of the Institute.

New UC Davis Internet Toolkit Available

Computer Lab Staff Brings High School Students Up To Speed
A UC Davis program, Upward Bound, educates, advises, and offers special training to students of low-income families with parents who did not graduate from college. Computer Lab staff lent a hand.

News and Events
Unix Support is Here
Information and Educational Technology expands its support services.

Bits and Bytes
A new way to receive campus technology news; New Business Architecture Initiative welcomes a project manager; Continued technology training at the Arbor in the "Meet the Experts" series; New computer lab on campus.

Technology Oddities
Where's Waldo?
These microchip masterpieces give new meaning to the phrase "computer art."


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