Whois++ Adds Link"Pretty cool" is how Ken Weiss describes the experimental online directory project he is testing. Whois++ Directory Services is being developed to provide an efficient way of accessing white page directory information online. The goal of the project is to link all nine University of California campuses and the UC Office of the President. UC Davis is the lead campus for the project. The UC Davis database is now linked with the UC Santa Barbara online directory, notes Weiss, of I.T.'s Distributed Computing Analysis and Support (DCAS). "If you search at whome.ucdavis.edu port 6363, you'll get a consolidated index of UC Davis and UC Santa Barbara. UCSB's Richard Allard should get big kudos for his efforts to bring up their server," says Weiss. For a WWW interface, go to: http://whome.ucdavis.edu/cgi-bin/php.cgi/digger/digger-search.phtml and select the "UC Polling Test" server as the point to begin your search. But be forewarned: this is an experimental server, and is subject to being out of service without warning.