Volume 5, No 1
Information Technology News of the University of California, Davis
September 1996
Technology and Teaching
New Services Offer an Integrated Approach
What's new in technology for teaching this year? New computer labs. Automated e-mail class lists. Improved network security. Workshops for faculty. A new helpline and faxback service. And even a Bovine Online. Changes in computer labs managed by Information Technology and central computing systems are outlined below. Follow these links for information about Bovine Online, campus modem service, and the new helpline and faxback service.
Computer Labs
If you teach or study in the campus computer labs, please note the changes listed below. To reserve a lab for classroom use, call 752-8549 or send e-mail to lab-reserve@ucdavis.edu. Up-to-date information on campus computer labs is available online at http://lm.ucdavis.edu/labs/
- Hutchison Labs Closed: The computer classroom labs in the
basement of Hutchison are closed permanently.
- New Labs in Olson: New computer labs, specifically designed
for use as teaching labs, are open in Rooms 21 & 27 of Olson
- No More Macs in 163 Shields: The lab in 163 Shields Library
now is a PC-only lab.
- Windows 95 Installed: Windows 95 has been installed in all
PC labs and is supported by I.T. Express.
- AT&T Lab: The AT&T lab in the Social Sciences and Humanities
building is no longer a public use lab. This teaching and research
lab now is managed by Letters & Science.
Automated Class Lists
With the new automated class list program, students no longer have to subscribe manually to e-mail class lists. When an instructor requests a class list, students in the class are automatically subscribed to the list. The instructor must provide the course number. The program extracts information from the Student Information System (SIS) database, using the course reference number to determine which students to subscribe. For further information about automated class lists, call 752-1208 or look on the Web at http://sysweb.ucdavis.edu/faqs/classlist.html.
New Login IDs
Development continues on new tools used to provide secure access to the Banner Student Information System (SIS), DaFIS, the World Wide Web, and other campus computing systems. The goal is to protect the confidentiality of information while providing access to authorized users.
Components of the "security tool kit" include Kerberos, single-sign-on, and one-time passwords. Now available are new-style login IDs and Kerberos passwords that will be needed to access central computing systems in the future. To learn how to choose your own new-style ID,go to http://www.ucdavis.edu/ucnames.
Technology Support for Faculty
To ease the incorporation of technology into academic courses, Information Technology offers a special "Train the Trainer" program for faculty. Instructors may request consultations or group workshops on a variety of topics including:
- Electronic Mail
- File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
- Internet News
- Operating Systems
- Spreadsheets
- Telnet
- Word Processing
- World Wide Web
Information Technology provides sample documentation, course outlines, and training sessions. To schedule a workshop, send e-mail to learnit@ucdavis.edu or call 754-8091.