Campus Modem Pool Is Still an Option
Information Technology still maintains a pool of 500 modems that provides service for those who desire free network access. Although callers often encounter busy signals, if you like to work in the "off" hours -- between 2 and 7 a.m., for instance -- this may be a reliable option for you. Traffic to the modem pool is heaviest in the late afternoon and evening hours, but tapers off in the early morning hours.
Troubled by the difficulty campus users were having gaining network access through the modem pool, Information Technology brought the issue to the attention of the campus last year through the Joint Campus Committee on Information Technology (JCCIT). Information Technology presented statistics that showed the campus modem pool had virtually doubled in size annually since 1991 and that I.T. had neither the financial or physical resources to further expand the pool.
Expressing concern about the campus reaction to outsource all modem service, the JCCIT recommended that I.T. freeze the campus pool at 500 modems and solicit bids from private vendors to provide UC Davis students, faculty, and staff with an opportunity to obtain faster, more reliable dial-in access on a fee-for-service basis. The Committee on Academic Planning and Budget Review (CAPBR) supported the recommendation.
Information Technology will continue to evaluate new service options for dial-in network access and will update the campus on new developments.