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Volume 5, No 4 Information Technology News of the University of California, Davis March 1997

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Network 21 Update

Funding Strategies Presented at Open Forum

The recommended rate structure for Network 21 was the topic of discussion on Friday, Feb. 7, when Carole A. Barone, Associate Vice Chancellor for Information Technology, presented the final report of the Network 21 Budget & Policy Oversight Committee to a gathering of more than 60 individuals, representing a wide cross-section of campus departments.

Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Robert Grey is expected to make a final decision on Network 21 rates by the end of February.

The Network 21 Budget & Policy Oversight Committee has recommended that a multi-part rate structure be implemented to fund Network 21's operation and maintenance costs. The recommended structure allocates costs within two cost centers:

  1. the backbone costs that are largely fixed and suited to be funded by central campus allocation. Backbone costs include the Network Operations Center (NOC), the seven Area Distribution Facilities (ADFs), and the Building Distribution Facilities (BDFs); and

  2. local building costs that include the costs associated with maintaining the wiring and electronics inside the buildings from Individual Distribution Facilities (IDFs) all the way up to the wall NAMs.
Even though rapid advances in technology make networking and associated costs quite volatile, Barone said the committee felt it was important to create a rate structure manageable at the department level.

"We all want predictability and consistency in the costs that are passed on to us," Barone said.

Barone said the Committee expects the NAM charge to departments to be between $4 and $6 a month. This will cover operation and maintenance costs for wiring and routers all the way to the NAM. Departments will retain control of configurations within their offices.

If the recommended Network 21 rate structure is approved, it will be implemented on July 1, 1997.

The full text of the Network 21 Budget & Policy Oversight Committee's report is on the Web at http://net21.ucdavis.edu/.

Direct technical questions to net21info@ucdavis.edu. Policy-related questions should be sent to Robert D. Grey, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor.

Cutover Strategy

Network Administrators were brought up to date on the Network 21 cutover strategy on Friday, Feb. 7, at a presentation in 2 Wellman. Doug Hartline, executive director of the Network 21 project, briefed the group on the electronics pilot and answered questions. The campus cutover strategy outlined at the meeting will give the campus an opportunity to utilize the high-speed fiber optic backbone while testing continues on the ATM electronics. The Network 21 cutover will be orchestrated in three phases:

  1. In Summer 1997, buildings connected to the existing campus network will be cut over to Network 21's fiber optic backbone. Connectivity will be provided to those that require immediate access to DaFIS by July 1.

    Routers that connect current departmental networks to the campus network (UCDNet) will be connected to the new fiber optic plant to create a much more robust network backbone. Departments with existing network connections will not have to make any configuration changes at this time.

  2. Unconnected users will be connected to Network 21. This phase of the cutover will be completed in two stages. First, users in buildings not connected to the existing campus network, but covered by Network 21, will be connected to the fiber optic backbone. Second, unconnected users in buildings that are connected to the existing campus network will be connected to the fiber optic backbone on a rolling schedule. Users who require immediate access to DaFIS will be connected by July 1.

  3. The campus will cut over to Network 21's ATM electronics, and departmental networks will be cut over to the Network 21 infrastructure. Expected completion date for this phase of the project is Summer 1998.

If you have questions about Network 21, send e-mail to net21info@ucdavis.edu.