Banner Survey Responses
Responses have been tallied from the Banner Student Information System survey, which was sent to all 754 Banner end users in February. 386 completed surveys were returned, a total response rate of 51.2%. What follows are some of the significant findings of the survey.
- 65% of respondents said they were "satisfied" or "very satisfied" with the Banner system as a whole.
- Assistance from Banner support persons (anyone providing Banner assistance as part of his or her job duties, whether in the respondent's department or elsewhere on campus) received the highest satisfaction rating in the survey: 83% were "satisfied" or "very satisfied" with the assistance they received.
- The largest dissatisfaction rate concerned the menu descriptions that guide users to various Banner screens (27% "dissatisfied" or "very dissatisfied").
- 38% of respondents stated that their preferred method of communication about new Banner features and upgrades would be via an e-mail distribution list dedicated to Banner announcements. Until now, communication has primarily taken the form of Brown Bag presentations.
The Client Project Team that oversees the Banner Student Information System is reviewing the results. A summary of the complete results may be viewed on the Web at http://clientservices.ucdavis.edu/bannersurvey.