I.T. Times
Volume 5, No 7 Information Technology News of the University of California, Davis June 1997

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"MelWeb" Debuts

Library staff was on hand at Odyssey '97 to demonstrate the MELVYL® System's new Web interface, which debuted online in April. The Web version of the library research system can be accessed at http://www.melvyl.ucop.edu or via the General Library's home page, http://www.lib.ucdavis.edu/.

The Web interface provides an easy-to-use format for searching the MELVYL® Catalog and Periodicals databases and six of the MELVYL® abstracting and indexing databases currently licensed for UC users. More than a "new look," the Web interface system is easy to learn and easy to use. By completing forms on the screen, users can search databases without having to know the exact wording for specific search commands. Pull-down menus, options for changing searches, and strategy suggestions make it easier to refine searches and target the most relevant books and articles.

The Web interface has other advantages to traditional Telnet access. It offers the capability of linking the electronic text of an article to its citation in a database, so that the user can view the entire article from a computer on campus or at home. These links will be made available as electronic journals are licensed by UC libraries.

Telnet access to the MELVYL® system will continue to be available for users who need features not yet offered on the Web interface or who find it more appropriate to their needs.

For more information, call the DLA (UC Division of Library Automation) Helpline at (510) 987-0555, the UC Davis General Library Data Services Librarian Karl Kocher at 752-1202, or any UC Davis library reference service unit.