I.T. Times
Volume 6, No 2 Information Technology News of the University of California, Davis October 1997

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Network 21 Update

Note: The printed version of this article in the October 1997 I.T. Times contained an error. In the "Network 21 Billing" section, the following sentence, "Others will be charged 50% of the operation and maintenance costs ($11.87 per connection per month) for the first year." contains the wrong monthly charge. The correct amount is $16.36 per connection per month.

ResNet Nears Completion

Thoreau, Segundo, Tercero/Leach, Regan, and Orchard Park are now connected to the fiber-optic backbone. The remaining two residence halls, Castilian and Solano Park will be connected by mid- and late November, respectively. When complete, approximately 3,750 residence hall NAMs (Network Access Modules, or wall jacks) will have been connected.

Six Weeks Early!

All unconnected users in Network 21 buildings, together with DaFIS users and designated "problem LANs," were cut over to the fiber-optic backbone as of Friday, October 3, one and a half months prior to the projected completion date. A total of 4,000 NAMs were connected during this phase.

Phase 3 Electronics

Over the next two months, technical specifications will be developed for the Network 21 ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) routers and switches. Vendor selection will begin in November, narrowing the bids to two or three top candidates. Vendors will be required to show that their equipment has been operating successfully on a similar network. They will also be required to prove that the switches and routers will be interoperable (i.e., will work together) and will work effectively on a large-scale network such as Network 21.

ATM will bring increased network performance, VLAN capability, and the ability to interface with Internet 2 as quality of service features are developed. The star/ring design of the network reduces the likelihood that a break in any one cable will impact service to the rest of the network.

Approximately 700 switches across the network and the remainder of NAMs in Network 21 designated buildings will be cut over to the new ATM network backbone by the end of 1998.

Network 21 Billing

Department business offices will be contacted within the next two to three months to designate the accounts to which NAM fees should be charged. Charges will appear on telephone bills beginning in January, with billing retroactive to July 1, 1997. Subsequently, departments will be charged on a monthly basis. Instruction and Research (I&R) eligible departments will be charged $4.00 per month per NAM designated for Phase 3 cutover (or per device if the building contains no 10BASE-T facilities). Others will be charged 50% of the operation and maintenance costs ($16.36 per connection per month) for the first year. Any questions regarding billing should be addressed to Communications Resources at 752-4603 or cr-service@ucdavis.edu.

NAM Status Database

To access the new online NAM database and the floor plans indicating the location of Network 21 NAMs, go to http://cr.ucdavis.edu/ and click on "NAM Maps and Status." The database is still under development. E-mail questions, comments, and suggestions to mjbenoit@ucdavis.edu.