
Mark your calendar! The special presentations below will help you stay abreast of issues related to the information technology environment. For updates on special events, presentations, and professional development opportunities, visit the IT calendar.
February 24: Year 2000 Presentation - Macintosh
Find out how the Macintosh will be affected by the Year 2000 problem and what applications might be problematic.
- Time: 1:30-2:30 p.m.
- Location: Center for Advanced Information Technology (CAIT), Shields Library.
- Web site: http://y2k.ucdavis.edu
February 26: Guidelines for Proposing and Building Administrative Computer Systems at UC Davis
If you've built, or are thinking of building, your own departmental administrative computer system, don't miss this presentation. Debbie Lauriano, Project Director in Information Resources, will offer guidelines for proposing, developing, and implementing such systems, and she will introduce two friendly, flexible tools that will help you accomplish these goals. This presentation is based on a Recommended Solution document released this month (see What's New).
- Time: 2-3 p.m.
- Location: Center for Advanced Information Technology (CAIT), Shields Library.
March 2: Guidelines for Proposing and Building Administrative Computer Systems at UC Davis
(See February 26 for description.)
- Time: Time: 12-1 p.m.
- Location: East Conference Room, MU.
March 3: Year 2000 Presentation - Networks: WANs, LANs, Hubs, Routers, and Switches
This presentation will explore hardware and code problems associated with older equipment, as well as fixes and code revisions that will support Year 2000 compliance requirements. Voice-related compliance issues will also be discussed.
- Time: Time: 1:30-2:30 p.m.
- Location: Center for Advanced Information Technology (CAIT), Shields Library.
- Web site: http://y2k.ucdavis.edu
March 6: Guidelines for Proposing and Building Administrative Computer Systems at UC Davis
(See February 26 for description.)
- Time: Time: 11am-12 p.m.
- Location: Cabernet Room, Silo.
March 9: How Do You Improve Your Information Situation?
This is the second in a series of four seminars.
Following the assessment exercise described in the first seminar, tools, techniques, and information-receiving and organizing skills will be presented to help you manage information more effectively.
- Time: Time: 12 - 1 p.m.
- Location: Cabernet Room, Silo.
March 10: Year 2000 Presentation - Networks: Server Operating Systems (NT, Netware, LAN Manager)
A presentation and discussion of operating system bugs as well as code revisions and fixes associated with the Year 2000 Problem.
- Time: Time: 1:30-2:30 p.m.
- Location: Center for Advanced Information Technology (CAIT), Shields Library.
- Web site: http://y2k.ucdavis.edu
March 12: Internet 2, CalREN-2: How Can We Use It?
Join Russ Hobby, director of IT's Advanced Networked and Scientific Applications (ANSA) and chair of the CENIC's technical planning group, in an exploration of CalREN-2's capabilities and offerings. Hobby, one of the Internet 2 architects who developed the initial Internet 2 design, has been coordinating UCD's Internet 2 engineering efforts. Hobby will explore with the audience how CalREN-2 can meet the needs of researchers and instructors and expand their use of technology in their work.
- Time: Time: 2-3 p.m.
- Location: East Conference Room, MU.
March 24: Year 2000 Presentation - UNIX
(Note: This presentation was originally scheduled for March 17.) Come explore how to research Year 2000 bugs in your UNIX workstation (or server) applications.
- Time: Time: 1:30-2:30 p.m.
- Location: Center for Advanced Information Technology (CAIT), 165 Shields Library.
- Web site: http://y2k.ucdavis.edu