
- Information Technology's 1995-97 Biennial Report is available on the Web at http://it.ucdavis.edu/9597report. Read about IT's projects, collaborative work, and accomplishments in the last two academic years.
- Looking for the names of colleagues engaged in bringing technology to the classroom? Trying to find articles we wrote on accessing the Internet from off campus? Thanks to Mike Hogarth, from the UC Davis Medical Center, you can now search all issues of IT Times (since September 1993) on the Web at http://it.ucdavis.edu/it.times.
- You are invited to participate in a bibliographic software online survey. Representatives from the General Library, the Health Sciences Library, Information Technology, and UCD's faculty have formed a workgroup to evaluate and recommend a bibliographic software package for the campus. The workgroup constructed an online survey to gauge current use of this technology on campus and learn what product features are most important to the campus community. To participate in this survey, visit http://draco.ucdavis.edu/biblio/surveyef.cfm. The Web site also contains information sheets and a demonstration version for each software package. The deadline for submitting entries is March 1, 1998. An evaluation will be posted in April.
- If you missed any of the first four Year 2000 Presentations or would like to review the material, go to the Web at http://y2k.ucdavis.edu. The handouts from each presentation are available both in PowerPoint format and as a text file.
- Get ready for Odyssey 98! Visit http://odyssey.ucdavis.edu to find out about this year's celebration of technology use on campus. And volunteer to help make this year's event another smashing success! Sign up by March 2.
- Two new Recommended Solutions documents are now available:
"Guidelines for Developing and Implementing Administrative Systems at UC Davis" is designed to help departments develop a methodolodgy for building new administrative systems. (See Campus Presentations for presentations on this topic.)
The second document, "Light Web Pages," provides guidelines on how to create Web pages that can be easily and quickly accessed by modem.
To find out about or review the major options for connecting to the campus network from off-campus, consult the "Overview of Off-Campus Connectivity Options," a Recommended Solution document made available last December.
All Recommended Solutions can be accessed on the Web at http://it.ucdavis.edu/Solutions.
- If you have campus cellular phone service through Communication Resources and your existing account number is in the 916 area code, you will have the opportunity on March 3 and March 9 to obtain a new phone number in the 530 area code at no charge. Take your cellular phone to 1113 Academic Surge between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Call 752-4603 if you have any questions.