Contents of This Issue
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Introduction to the New Business Architecture (NBA)

A New Way of Doing Business at UC Davis
More than simply a technology initiative, the New Business Architecture is about the university working smarter to cope effectively with significant planned increases in enrollment over the next decade. It's about using technology to improve our overall ways of doing business, and it will affect everyone who attends or works at UC Davis.

Behind the Scenes of the Emerging Architecture
IT Times met up with Brian Alexander of Information and Educational Technology and Jeff Barrett of the Office of Administration. Co-chairs of the NBA Technology Development Team, Brian and Jeff talk about what's to come, and where we are with the NBA and the campus Web portal, MyUCDavis.

Architects at Work: A Closer Look at the Organizational Structure of the NBA
A number of teams with representation from major campus units are working to make the New Business Architecture a reality at UC Davis.

NBA Milestones
This timeline provides a history of MyUCDavis and the New Business Architecture milestones on the UC Davis campus since 1997.

What the NBA Web Portal Can Do For You

Better Business Processes on the Horizon
by Patrick Bell and Lia Scott, Office of Administration
Office of Administration is working hard in the spirit of the New Business Architecture to give employees the tools they need to complete tasks efficiently and effectively, keep current with new innovations, and maintain a high level of job satisfaction. With Accounting and Financial Services leading the way, a series of administrative processes (such as DaFIS and Payroll Personnel Decision Support) are already available on the MyUCDavis Web portal and more improvements are just around the corner.

How MySpace Became A Lesson Plan: Student Involvement in UC Davis Portal Development
For more than five years, Dr. John Stenzel, a lecturer in the English Department has been focusing his ENL 104A classes (Advanced Composition—Technical Writing and Business Reports) on technology-related topics of local interest, lately on the campus Web portal. As the New Business Architecture is underway, The IT Times asked Stenzel to explain this unique approach.

Can the Portal Simplify Instructors' Jobs, Too?
by Richard Plant, Academic Computing Coordinating Council (AC4) Chair
The IT Times asked Dr. Plant to offer his perspective on course management tools featured on MyUCDavis. As the Chair of AC4, Dr. Plant has been involved in ensuring that instructors' needs are considered by the teams who develop MyUCDavis. As a Professor, Dr. Plant can recount the first-hand experience of a busy faculty member who utilizes the Web portal to make his job easier.

Retool Your Course with MyUCDavis
Read a summary of course management tools available to instructors in MyUCDavis.

UC Davis' Interactive Online Grading System Arrives
MyUCDavis features a number of course management tools developed with the UC Davis instructor in mind. In collaboration with the Academic Computing Coordinating Council (AC4) and a group of UC Davis faculty, the MyUCDavis team has developed a tool called "GradeBook." Just like the paper ledgers of old, this tool was designed to keep track of student grades. And just like existing software programs which automate grade calculations, GradeBook eliminates busy work for the instructor.

Meet Your Educational Technology Partner
The Educational Technology Partners (or ET Partners) program is right in line with the goals of the New Business Architecture since it brings together faculty with specially trained students toward the goal of developing faculty members' expertise in educational technology.

MyUCDavis Hits the Road
The MyUCDavis Support Staff is available to come to your home department to deliver a presentation on the campus portal tailored to your needs.

NBA Security

How Safe is the New Business Architecture?
by Bob Ono, Security Coordinator
Security will be an integral component of the New Business Architecture. Read about what's already being done to protect sensitive data such as your online identity.

Log on Safely: Know Your Kerberos Password
Find out why a Kerberos password is the most secure password available to UC Davis computer users.

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