Media Downloads Exact New Price
Campus Enforces Digital Copyright Regulations
A studious UC Davis senior with a clean disciplinary record, “Julie” was
recently shocked to receive an email notification from Student
Judicial Affairs requiring that they meet to discuss a policy violation.
Her offense? A day earlier, she had downloaded a Shakira song.
The surge in college students’ copyright infringements over
campus networks, especially by typically law-abiding students like
Julie, has forced colleges to evaluate the issue more closely.
Last month UC Davis Administrators issued a letter to the campus
community addressing the nearly threefold increase seen this year
in violations on campus and warned of the possible consequences
for individuals who use file-sharing software illegally.
UC Davis
Implements Solution to Spam
Unsavory Email Reduced by New Filtering
Find out how to use the campus’ new filtering system
to keep spam out of your inbox.
When a PDA
is a Hot Potato
Pocket PC Game Developed for Plant
Biology Course
A lively group of students pass around a PDA, laughing and
talking, and appearing to be playing a video game instead of tending
to coursework. However, they are actually doing exactly as their
professor asked. They are working their way through Pomology Professor
Ken Shackel’s “Beat Around the Short Woody Perennial,” an
interactive Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) game that allows them
to practice explaining their plant biology vocabulary words.
The UC
Plans Compliance with New California Law
Identity Theft and Security Breaches
to be reported to Citizens
In 2002, a new consumer protection law amending Section 1798 of
the California Civil Code was passed, requiring organizations,
including institutions of higher education, to notify California
state residents when a computer security breach has permitted the
release of personal identity information to unauthorized recipients
(often referred to as Identity Theft). The University of California
Office of the President (UCOP) has recently issued guidelines to
implement the provisions of this new law. Read more for a checklist
of ways to prevent falling prey to Identity Theft.
New Campus
Videoconferencing Service
Allows UC Davis, 34 Other Pacific Rim Universities To Overcome
Travel, Security, Budgetary Issues
Approaches for Fall Educational Technology Partnerships
The ET Partners program – a quarter long adventure that pairs
professors with technology-savvy students– is currently calling
for Fall Quarter 2003 and Winter Quarter 2004 Partnership Proposals,
which are due August 29.
Bids Farewell to Director Harry Matthews
Welcomes Newly Appointed Liz Gibson
Mediaworks, the campus’ digital media and educational
technology unit, will be saying goodbye to retiring Director and
Professor Harry Matthews as of June 30, 2003. In addition to a
total of 23 years of service to the campus in various teaching
and committee positions, Matthews has contributed his talent and
creativity to the new field of educational technology.
UC Davis
Hosts IT Security Symposium, June 18-19
UC Davis, in partnership with the University of California Office
of the President, will host an IT Security Symposium. Developed
for system administrators and other technical professionals from
any of the ten UC campuses, the symposium includes more than 30
presentations, hands-on labs, and keynote speeches from leaders
in information security.
Recommendations and Internet Tools CD
Available to UC Davis soon
If you’re looking to purchase a new computer or just update
the software on the one you have, the campus recommendations may
New Web-Based
Form For Checking Port Speed
Users of Multimedia Equipment!
Classroom Technology Services Changes
Computer Lab
Hours and Upgrades Over the Summer
Mondavi Center
To Launch Online Ticketing System
Network Upgrades
to Cause Brief Outages this Summer
Computing Support Services to be Restructured
Art and Photography
Services Change to Meet Campus Needs
How to Keep Up
With Campus Technology News This Summer